Community Point multi-generational centre

What is the Community Point multi-generational centre?

The Community Point multi-generational centre is intended for intergenerational and intercultural integration. It creates space for socialising, cooperation, knowledge transfer and active learning at all stages of life, while introducing content for the inclusion and socialisation of vulnerable groups as well as offering preventive programs and content. Through diversified activities taking place in the centre, we enable social inclusion of all generations in the community and build solidarity, trust and mutual help. By doing so, we want to enable the overcoming of the generational gap, which is often forgotten due to the fast pace of life.

The main objective of the centre is to provide a safe and stimulating space where local people can participate in various preventive activities. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of vulnerable groups and the prevention of social exclusion.

In 2024, as part of the public tender for co-financing projects of multi-generational centres, we renewed our partnership with the Slovenian Philanthropy and established a new partnership with the Verjamem vate (I Believe in You) association.

Which activities take place in the centre?

The centre offers an accessible, diverse and high-quality programme of activities for all generations, which are completely free for all participants.

Everyone is welcome at the centre, since a broad variety of activities is available. The following activities are proposed free of charge:


  • learning assistance for primary and high school pupils (live and remote, group and individual),
  • activities for children from 0 to 6 years of age and their parents: reading and creativity sessions, exercise sessions, contents aimed at strengthening parental competences, etc.
  • activities for adolescents: workshops, conversational groups, sports activities, improvisation theatre, etc.<
  • various support and conversation groups for adults,
  • content aimed at strengthening social inclusion,
  • activities for the elderly: memory exercises, computer skills learning, basics of English, exercise sessions etc.
  • content with the purpose of strengthening social, health-related, cultural and financial competencies for all generations,
  • intergenerational gatherings,
    workshops to strengthen the mental health of children and adults,
  • activities during the school holidays,
  • content aimed at facilitating the integration of migrants and refugees and their families,
  • contents aimed to facilitate the social inclusion of persons with special needs, particularly children and adolescents, and their loved ones,
  • content for people with disabilities,
  • and much more.

Monthly programme

The programme of the centre is adapted to the current needs of our visitors, meaning that it is constantly changing. Current programmes of our centre are available here:

Where are the centres located?

Location Address Opening hours Phone number E-mail address
VGC “Common Point” Vrhnika Zaloška 54, 1000 Ljubljana Each working day 8 am to 6 pm. +386(0)40 760 515
VGC “Common Point” Vrhnika Tržaška 23, 1360 Vrhnika Each working day 8 am to 4 pm. +386 (0)64 259 033
VGC “Common Point” – House of Fruits Logatec Tržaška cesta 148, 1370 Logatec

Mon – Wed: from 10 am to 6 pm

Thu – Fri: from 8 am to 4 pm

+386 (0)70 892 903
VGC “Common Point” Domžale Ljubljanska cesta 82, 1230 Domžale Each working day 8 am to 12 am +386 (0)68 653 129

Would you like to become a volunteer?

Volunteers are always welcome in our multi-generational centres to assist us in the implementation of our activities. We are always happy to welcome new volunteers; we know full well that without them, our programmes would not be so diverse and rich.

Anyone who wants to gain new experience in working with people and performing various activities can become a volunteer. We welcome new ideas, wishes and knowledge that volunteers can pass on to our users

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, you can call or email us at any time, we are happy to discuss our potential cooperation!

The Community Point multi-generational centre project is taking place under the auspices of the European Cohesion Policy Programme for the period 2021-2027 under the policy objective 4, “A more social and inclusive Europe for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights”, priority 7, “Long-term care and health and social inclusion”, specific objective ESO4.12, “Promoting social inclusion of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including the most deprived persons and children”.

It is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund Plus and by the Republic of Slovenia – Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. It was also supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana, the Municipality of Vrhnika, the Municipality of Logatec and the Municipality of Domžale.