Growing together – THSN

Duration of the programme

The Human Safety Net is a global movement under the auspices of the Generali Group. The movement acts as a network of programmes designed to support families and individuals all over the world.

The Anita Ogulin and ZPM Association, with the support of Generali zavarovalnice we have developed a comprehensive THSN – Growing Together programme, which is intended for families with preschool and school-age children. The main purpose of the programme is to raise parents’ awareness of the importance of healthy development and upbringing of children and to equip children for responsible living. With the programme, we can continuously enable families to participate, free of charge, in programmes which also allow them equal opportunities for a healthy development, growth, and life in society. This is a programme that provides parents with additional knowledge for quality upbringing, strengthens parental competencies, and helps parents create a safe, stimulating, and pleasant family environment.

We offer various activities for families that take place in our multi-generational centres (Ljubljana, Vrhnika and elsewhere in Slovenia), as well as in other locations.

Reading and creative activities

These weekly workshops are attended by parents with young children. In Ljubljana, they take place every Monday at 4 pm, online at VGC Common Point. The aim of these workshops is for parents to get acquainted with different approaches to playing with children, what children need at a certain age, how they develop, etc. The workshops are mainly based on playing itself and on a conversation with parents through the game. At the same time, they also allow participants to exchange opinions and share experiences, advice etc. During these workshops, we discover why it is good to read fairy tales to our children and make them listen to music, why it is important to sing and dance with them, what it means if we are already talking to them when they are still babies, why a certain game is good, what is developed in the child through play, what children at a certain age already know, etc.

Support group for parents

The purpose of the group is for parents to socialise, discuss challenges that they are facing in raising their children, and share their experiences and problems, as well as solutions. Together, they might read some tips from books/the web, discuss them, get examples from practice, etc. The workshop is moderated so that we do not stray from the topic at hand. While discussing, we will also drink some coffee and enjoy some cookies to create a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere. While the support group is taking place, childcare is provided for in a separate area. The group will meet by prior arrangement if enough people are interested.

Informal gatherings

Approximately once a month, we organise various gatherings so that families can meet regularly and keep in touch. We invite families to join us for excursions, picnics, puppet shows, tea parties, joint walks, etc.

Individual counselling sessions

In addition to regular discussions which help us monitor the situation and agree on ways for us to become involved and support the family together with the parents, parents can also arrange individual counselling sessions with our experts in legal, psychosocial, nutritional counselling, etc. as required.

Lectures for parents

We prepare lectures for parents which are held by experts in the field of child upbringing, partnership and relationships, well-being, healthy lifestyle, etc. We keep parents informed of the exact dates and lecturers.

Family camps

Camps for families with preschool children are held in our holiday homes in Kranjska Gora and Zambratija. They offer the opportunity for a change of scenery and relaxation in nature. Family members can freely connect with each other, which helps them create stronger bonds, and can also get to know other programme participants and our colleagues. Children play and have fun in the company of educators, while parents can use this opportunity to talk to our experts in various fields.

Joining the program provides families with opportunities to socialise, get to know one another, play, and learn. At the same time, this is a safe haven for families to find help in times of distress. In addition to these contents, families also receive other forms of support that help them maintain material stability and thus provide their children with a healthy and safe environment for undisturbed growth and successful development.


The Growing Together project is universally implemented throughout the year, which is why we are looking forward to your assistance. Donations allow us to operate smoothly, making use of all forms of support and empowerment.


Zveza Anita Ogulin in ZPM, Proletarska cesta 1, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 3300 0000 1303 865
Purpose: Growing Together project
Purpose code: CHAR
Reference: SI00 720


THSN5 to 1919 to contribute 5 EUR.

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